2025 PSWSA Assembly
Friday, April 25 to Sunday, April 27, 2025
First UU San Diego
Unitarian Universalism:
Now More Than Ever
“We seek to put into action a greater connection to the diverse people living among us and the diverse gifts from Earth with local collaboration among Unitarian Universalist congregations, fellowships, societies, and churches in partnership with Camp de Benneville Pines.”
Dale Botts
Assembly Committee Chair
Come join Unitarian Universalists and other like-minded individuals as we gather together this April in San Diego to explore how we can better cultivate a culture of love and put these beliefs into action. It’s going to be a weekend full of amazing keynote speakers, informative workshops, great music and food and most of all, having time to connect with old friends and make some new ones!
The Assembly starts on Friday (4/25) afternoon with the Leaders Luncheon event. The luncheon and gathering is hosted by Camp board president, Pat Gordon with special guest Rev Sarah Gibb Millspaugh, member of the Pacific Western Region’s Congregational Life staff and serves on the UUA Mosaic Team. This year’s discussion topic parallels the Assembly theme: Unitarian Universalism: Now More Than Ever, focusing on how does that relate to YOUR congregation. If you’re a serving or past minister, DRE, program director, or member of an congregational board — you’re invited! Come share ideas and take new inspiration back to your congregations. Sign up when you register!
There will be two powerful keynote speakers during the Assembly. Friday evening’s speaker is Camp favorite, Peter Bolland. Peter is a Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Southwestern College, as well as department chair. His popular Seven Stone Path teaching parallels UU values. Peter’s keynote theme will be “Liberalism and Faith: Rekindling the Flame of Religious Freedom.”
He was the keynote speaker at last year’s Adult Camp and quickly became beloved by all. Click here to listen to the lyrics he wrote about this experience.
Saturday morning’s keynote speaker will be Rev. Meg Riley, co-moderator of the Unitarian Universalist Association. The theme is titled “UU Faith Moving Forward.” Rev. Meg served as a religious professional for 38 years and retired in 2020.
Want to learn more about what’s happening up at Camp? That’s what’s great about attending Camp’s Annual Meeting. Sign up to be a Delegate and represent your church. Ministers and Presidents are automatically delegates. The chart below shows how many church members (who are not ministers and presidents) can also be delegates. Sign up when you register!
In addition to Camp’s Annual Meeting, there are six (6) workshop opportunities planned during the Assembly. Click here for brief workshop descriptions.
Parents and families…Join the FUUN at the Assembly. Parents can enjoy the Assembly while the youth and kiddies enjoy some special camp fun with their favorite counselors. FUUN At Assembly is for K-5th and 6th-12th grade young people. Programming will be available all-day Saturday during adult programming and meals will be provided. Parent or Guardian must be on site at Assembly. NOT AN OVERNIGHT. Click here to learn more.
Saturday night is going to be really special, filled with music, good food and fellowship. The Social Hour from 5-6 pm will have music provided by The Ardor Trio, followed by a sit-down dinner and Honors Program. The evening will conclude with a musical performance by Karen Hart, award winning singer/songwriter and longtime camp supporter.
On Sunday morning after enjoying a light breakfast, join members of First UUSD for their worship service. Festivities are scheduled to conclude by noon on Sunday.
As in previous years, there are two ways to attend the Assembly: In Person and Virtually. It is planned that all programming and workshops will be available virtually but we’re hoping that most folks will opt to attend in person (it’s so much better that way!). In Person attendance includes five (5) meals!
There is a 2-tier registration fee structure again this year and the cost to attend either In Person or Virtually is the same. Tier 1 at $100, covers the basis cost of attendance and Tier 2 at $125, helps support others who need financial assistance in order to attend. Please contact Dale Botts (dale.botts2@gmail.com) if you need financial assistance.
We have made arrangements for a block of discounted rooms at the Days Inn near First UUSD. Click here for Lodging Suggestions and instructions on how to take advantage of the special deal. San Diego does not have convenient public transportation to First UU SD or your hotel but there are good Lyft and Uber services available.
Arrive early on Friday and enjoy one of two Walking Tours lead by UU First SD members. One tour will head to Balboa Park and enjoy the gardens. The other tour will have a walk around the Hillcrest area, highlighting three very different bridges. Sign up for these free tours when you register. Click here to learn more.
We’ll be sending out lots more information and details in the coming weeks but register now! You don’t want to miss this important and informative weekend!